We all spend more and more time streaming TV and audio, working from home on mobile devices and connecting with our friends on their phones. Moreover, more and more wireless devices can be connected to Wi-Fi on the home network – such as security cameras, speakers and even doorbells. But first, you need wireless coverage from every corner of your home.
We will do for you:
Total WiFi coverage throughout your home.
Reliable streaming of TV, movies and music.
Faster internet access for mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and mobile phones.
A future-proof network where you can easily add wireless-enabled devices.
Choose a package that matches the size of your home
WI-FI package 1
Apartment / Small House 60 sqm – 150 sqm 1 x Router 1 x WAP 1 x 8 Port Switch – 1 Port POE Installation
WI-FI package 2
Medium-sized house 150 sqm – 250 sqm 1 x Router 2 x WAP 1 x 8 Port POE Switch – 4 Port POE Installation
WI-FI package 3
Big house 250 sqm – 350 sqm 1 x Router 3 x WAP 1 x 8 Port POE Switch – 4 Port POE Installation